Friday, August 5, 2011


I can't believe it's been so long since I posted.  I've been busy, busy and busy.  Okay, and I also was on vacation, so maybe I wasn't all that busy.

It's been an incredibly long time since I've been on a real vacation. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be going on one this year, being that I don't have a job.  David decided that we needed a vacation.  We have a big year coming up with his daughter getting married, and knew that our time would be more limited then usual.  As most of you know, we have an every other week relationship, with him working from my home every other week, and out of state the other weeks.  I tend to believe that this makes for an easier relationship, and that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.  On the downside, there have been times when I've really wanted to have him close when things have gone wrong.

We spent a week on Grand Cayman Island, and it was incredible!  I couldn't believe it's been 8 years since I've been on a beach.  I don't think there's ever been a time in my life when I've been away from the ocean for that long a time.  We stayed at The Reef, which is an incredibly beautiful resort.  The staff was attentive, fun and hospitable.  The food was incredible, as were those delicious drinks with the umbrellas in them.  The weather was great, although, because of my meds I am sun-sensitive, so there's not a lot of laying out for me. I feel like one of those little old ladies who needs an umbrella, sun hat and a lot of sunscreen.  Although, I did come home a light toasty brown, which just makes me feel wonderful.

I tested my theory on 2 waters for every one drink.  For the most part it worked out well, although I think I may have gotten it backwards on Tuesday.  There was something rather odd about the way the bed was spinning on Tuesday night.  I've reaffirmed that I love the beach, although I'm thinking I'm suddenly not so fond of sand.  It's beautiful, but it really does get every where, and some places it's just not supposed to get into.

Unfortunately, David's mother was hospitalized on Thursday evening, and we got a call that he needed to get back ASAP.  We left as scheduled on Friday morning, however he had to go directly home, so it was a bit of an abrupt end to the vacation.  We had hoped to spend the time until his flight on Sunday settling into our usual routine.  Luckily, her condition improved, and she has been released from the hospital, and is doing very well.

So, I'm home.  I'm rested, tan and ready to keep plugging away at life.  I have lots of new projects I've completed and can't wait to post them.

In the mean time, a few more shots of Va-Cayman: