Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blame it on Peri

So, who is this guy, Peri?  Apparently he's Peri-menopause.  According to my doc, he'll be sticking around until Menopause shows up.  When will Menopause be here, well that seems to be the question of the day.  Menopause arrives when you stop having menstrual cycles.  All I can say is could it get here soon?!

I had my list of questions for my doc today.  After a congratulations on my blood pressure, which apparently is genetic, since it failed to be controlled with diet and weight loss. I had to ask, what's with the aches in my joints and swelling, which only seems to happen when I'm PMS'ing?  That would be Peri's fault.  The lack of hair on my arms and the appearance of it on my chin?  Peri's fault again.  The continual trek to the bathroom during the night, well, partly the blood pressure meds, but possibly Peri's fault.  Waking up in a pool of sweat?  Peri doing his thing.  The sudden flash of heat that seems to start with my face?  Thank you Peri.  The bouts of nausea that resemble the worst of morning sickness?  Yeah, Peri.

So I'm stuck with this guy Peri, for an interminable amount of time.  I can't even divorce this guy, like I did that other horse's behind.  All I can say is, he better leave soon, cause I'm just not in the mood!  I'd have a glass of wine or tequila, but Peri seems to dislike that as well.  So for now it appears Peri and I will live together in some form of peaceful war until Meno shows up.  Lord help us both.

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

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