Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Day Sunday

It's a very rainy Sunday here today.  The kind of rainy day where you keep the windows open so you can smell the rain and feel the cool air. The kind of day where you keep your ear tuned to hear the changing cadence of the rain.  You can hear it splat on the new leaves, patter on the roof and the sound of a waterfall as it empties the rain gutter.  Rain reminds me to listen.  

I like rain.  I don't like the cold, dreary rain of winter, but I do love this spring rain.  I love that the clouds break and the sun streams through as it continues to pour.  This rain pushes me to nest.  To bake, to clean, to run the sewing machine.  To shut out the sounds of civilization and tune into the sounds of nature.  

Later this week I'll post my new projects and update on the search for work.  For today I'll get back to listening to the rain and nesting.

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