Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random Ramblings

The boys sometimes accuse me of going on a rampage or rambling about inconsequential things.  I'm feeling a rampage coming on, and since Tim already rolled his eyes at me, I'll have to opt for blogging it instead.

1.  50 is not the new 30.  So quit saying that it is.  No one at 30 has these aches, pops, pains and issues.  Now I'm not denying 50 is easier then 30, I'm just saying the spirit is willing, but the muscles are definitely weak.
2. Toilet paper rolls that are not thrown out, are not art.  It doesn't matter if you stack them in neat pyramids on the edge of the tub. It's not art!
3. I'm a parent, I love kids, okay, mostly my own.  Please don't put your kid on the phone to talk to me, I don't understand them, they're not great communicators at age 2, and hello, I have things to do.
4. Could you not have family conferences in the middle of the supermarket aisle? Really, I just want to get my shopping done, not have to pretend to ignore your family drama.  By the way, I think "because I said no!" does not hurt your child's ego as much as you think it does.
5. I understand you haven't seen that person you have stopped your car in the middle of the street to talk in ages, but does that have to mean the rest of us have to wait while you become reacquainted.  And by the way, putting up one finger, whether it's the index or middle one, does not make it right.
6. Whoever invented that all plastic packaging that requires C-4 to get the item out of..there's a special place in the "hot spot" for you.

Phew...that completes today's rampage.

On a lighter note, I just started knitting these great socks Crusoe.  It's hard to believe I hadn't knit socks until this year!  Next sock project will be Giants socks for Chris.

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